Torrington, CT Face Painter and Balloon Twister: Steph B!

April 6, 2016 kscope

Steph has been a face painter, balloon twister and temporary tattoo artist with Kaleidoscope since March 2016.

Steph’s story as a face painter began years before her tenure at Kaleidoscope.

While studying at Southern CT State University for a BS in Graphic Design, Stephanie decided to get a job face painting at a local theme park. Although the company wasn’t the right fit, she loved what she was doing and met Marissa, a Central CT State U student studying the same thing.

Marissa and Stephanie stayed in touch after their summer jobs ended and a few years later, Marissa reached out to see if Steph was looking for another weekend job. She was, and Marissa recruited her to Kaleidoscope!

Steph is a great face painter with an amazing energy that makes all that seat in her seat for a face paint feel comfortable. When not working as a freelance face painter or balloon twister, Steph is an accomplished commercial illustrator and designer.



Setting up your face painter: water source, under shade, 1 table and 2 chairs, enough light to see, and far away from any loud music


Categories: Artist Spotlight