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August 13, 2015 kscope

After traveling all the way from the second star to the right and then traveling straight till morning, fairies have arrived at Kaleidoscope Art & Entertainment. Dressed up in fun and dreamlike dresses fairies will sure be a hit at your next fairy themed event. Just like all our princesses, our fairies are all trained in either child care or the performing arts. Plus, our fairies have received further fairy training, teaching them how to flutter just the perfect way and how to use pixie dust properly in order to make sure your fairy party is perfect.


Glitter tattoos dragon bat on arms hire a glitter tattoo artist for parties
June 28, 2015 kscope

Glitter tattoos are a really quick and easy. The majority of where we do glitter tattoos is at client’s home parties as an add-on for face painting and balloon twisting. We have tons of fun designs, from flowers and hearts to scorpions and skulls. So yes–boys love them too!

June 5, 2015 kscope

Super Hero parties are one of the most popular themes of the year for any age or gender. The reasons most companies don’t offer super hero performers are a little less than obvious:

  • Expensive fiberglass costumes make heroes a pretty expensive entertainment–out of the budget of most birthday parties
  • Kids interact with heroes the ways they’ve seen them interacted with. (Which, unfortunately, means they usually try to fight the heroes.)
  • Costumes that involve masks make it hard to interact with children in the same way our princesses do.

So, instead of simply sending a costumed character to your party, we’ve put together a super-fun package for any super hero party: Build Your Own Hero! For the same budget as sending in a super hero (if not less) we have a special package for all of our favorite little heroes and villains:


June 17, 2014 kscope

Face painting is great for a lot of things–from kids’ parties to body painting adult events. But face paint also has it’s limitations: some kids don’t like getting their faces touched and it comes off in pools or sprinklers. Temporary tattoos are a really great alternative to traditional face painting, and Kaleidoscope offers three different types in CT, MA, RI, NH for all sorts of events!
