If you’re expecting small guests at your adult brunch or dinner event, it can be hard to think of ideas to keep them busy and occupied. We get quotes every day for Baptism entertainment, ways to keep kids busy at weddings, Thanksgiving entertainment ideas, Bar and Bat-Mitzvah kids stations… you name it, we’ve done it.
Our biggest tips to clients are:
Think about entertainment ideas with multiple art forms or activities to keep kids from getting bored. 2hrs of face painting would just mean one turn per child, versus 2 hours of face painting + balloon twisting + glitter tattoos, which means more time with every child.
Think about the space you have: will you have room to play games, or do you just want an art station?
Think about the kids: all tiny? Mixed-age? Anyone under 13 is probably going to be bored with adult conversation, so consider everyone in the group.
Think about the tone of your event: Do you want a fancy wedding entertainer? Or maybe someone a little silly to get all of the energy out after an hour of sitting in church? Do you want something cool and “teenagery” for your Bar or Bat Mitzvah so the younger kids get excited for their own?
Here are our favorite ways to keep kids busy for a couple of hours while you want to give the adults a break to relax!
Magic and Art Together
Invite over Kenny, our most-requested entertainer, for a 30min magic show which the whole family can enjoy, followed by your choice of face painting and/or balloon twisting while adults eat.
Kenny’s combination packages are a great way to keep the kids engaged in different activities through dinner, or gather around everyone (including adults) for his kids comedy show.
Kenny comes in your choice of costume: colorful entertainer, never-scary clown, silent mime, silly pirate, wacky wizard, and YES he’s even our resident Santa!
For a lot of dinner party entertainment, you may have a few hundred adults and only a few kids. We can combine all sorts of face painting, balloon twisting, temporary tattoos, and even characters playing games to keep kids entertained. The number of artists can be anywhere from 1-10 depending on what you want. (Although normally for dinners or brunches, one is good enough.) Just pick a package with loads of options.
Characters Hold Attention
Lots of our character packages not only have art, but different games and stories or songs. If you have the space (minimum, a 10×10′ area) for games and characters, invite over a princess or super hero! These are perfect for kids 2-7 with a lot of run-around energy. Check out our photos and favorite character options here.